Watch the presentations of the Academy of Constellations and the live demonstrations of one-on-one coaching sessions.

Self-leadership to navigate change
Discover the power of IFS Coaching! Have you ever felt like you’re pulled in different directions by conflicting inner voices? IFS (Internal Family System) offers a unique approach to understanding and harmonizing these internal parts. In this video, we’ll explore how IFS coaching can help you in improving your ability to navigate change.

It’s a mad mad world
Today, the high level of complexity and instability requires people to learn to manage themselves and avoid being influenced too much by the chaos that surrounds us. It requires making choices without relying on external guidelines or criteria. This is why we need to develop Self-leadership: to find that space of presence and agency that allows us to become masters of our own lives. The Academy of Constellations provides the knowledge, skills and tools to support our clients in developing Self-leadership, so they can thrive in a mad mad world.

Our purpose is to promote self-leadership
Self-leadership helps us to live with greater awareness and harmony both in the external system – our relationships and our projects in the world – and in the internal system – every part of ourselves that makes us who we are.
The practical outcome of developing Self-leadership is a higher level of presence and flexibility in behaviour that allows you to respond to situations rather than react, thus overcoming undesirable, automatic behaviours.

What are Constellations
When using Constellations in a coaching session, we create a spatial representation of the key elements of a topic presented by the client.
Constellations are a methodology for guiding clients through experiential exercises – in individual, team, and group coaching – to quickly increase the level of awareness of the current situation, foster inner alignment and open up the way to change.

Why choose this training
Nowadays the coaching market is increasingly competitive, so that many Coaches, have four main priorities: to stand out in an increasingly crowded market by offering something special and unique; to develop your coaching toolkit to have a greater impact in your work; to continue your self-development journey to add depth to your coaching; to earn ICF approved CCEUs (Continuing Coach Education Units) to maintain and upgrade your accreditation.
If these aspects are relevant to you, then our Constellations training is exactly what you need to move to the next level.

How this training differs from other Constellation training
This training is specifically designed for Coaches and there are very clear boundaries that differentiate this approach from Family Constellations. It’s based on a non-directive approach as required in the coaching alliance, so that you can co-create the session with your clients. It is based on a protocol, that makes learning much easier and quicker than the traditional modelling approach normally used in other Constellations training. It is immediately applicable in your coaching practice. The training follows the ICF guidelines for continuing education and provides you with CCEUs (Continuing Coach Education Units).

Training overview
The purpose of this training is to provide you with the skills to use Constellations in your coaching practice.
The training is comprised of three courses: Foundation, Groups&Teams and Transformation.
Each course is a blended process to ensure learning effectiveness. Theory and supervision are managed mostly on-line, while in-person workshops are mostly dedicated to practice.
The courses are open to Coaches and other professionals who have already acquired the basic skills needed to work with people.
The content of the training is fully compliant with the ICF competency model.

“Write my first book” – Live demonstration of Constellations in a coaching session
Recording of a full one-on-one coaching session where Francesco Pimpinelli demonstrates the use of Constellations. The topic of the session is: “Write my first book”.

“Gain clarity of focus” – Live demonstration of Constellations in a coaching session
Recording of a full one-on-one coaching session where Francesco Pimpinelli demonstrates the use of Constellations. The topic of the session is: “Gain clarity of focus”.